Travel safe with us!

Inspection ICTThe last months we have worked on improving our tours to have an even better experience to offer now that we can resume operations. A big part of this has of course been the adjustments we have to make to fulfill the sanitary protocol now needed due to Covid-19.

We are happy to inform that we scored 100% on today’s surprise inspection from ICT (the National Institute of Tourism).

It is very important for us that our activities are safe for both travelers and our staff.

We are committed to always follow the protocols, and we do expect the same from our clients.

By nature our activities are convenient in the scene that we only operate with smaller groups and in open air. With us you will be out on the water in a boat, kayak or paddle board – away from crowds and high risk areas.

Whale watching in the Gulf of Nicoya

Whale watching

The whales are in! This is one of the best times to experience the magnificent humpback whales. The are in the Gulf of Nicoya to give birth and train their offspring for the long journey back to Antarctica lat this year. Usually we have have a good chance to see them until Mid October and sometimes longer. We offer boat trips for small groups (minimum 2 persons). The tour lasts around 4 hours and includes beverages, fruit and biscuits. Join us on a family friendly and exciting nature experience to be remembered.

Also, check out this video of the tour.


Travelers’ Choice Winner 2020

A big thank you to all of you that have shared your experience with us on TripAdvisor!
We are proud to announce that thanks to the preference of all of you, Tripadvisor recognizes us with this achievement, despite the fact that it has not been an easy year.

We are reopening carefully now, and are motivated by this award! There are good times to come!

Bioluminescent Bay | Nicoya Gulf, Costa Rica

Bioluminescence Costa Rica

See millions of algae light up the bay while gliding through the calm waters in a kayak at night. This natural wonder is magical experience not to be missed!
Bioluminescent BayImagine being in a science fiction movie where the dark water starts to glow as you pass through it. Everything that the water touches lights up like fish, rocks, your paddle or even your hand. This is real, and the sum of millions of algae make for a memorable experience in our own bioluminescent bay.


What is bioluminescence?

Dinoflagellates using bioluminescenceBioluminescence is mostly the result of a chemical reaction in the algae, which are usually of the type Dino-flagellates. They are one-celled and widely spread in the Atlantic and Pacific Ocean. As a defense against getting eaten, the algae have evolved to produce a light through a chemical reaction when threatened.

During our bioluminescent experience you will see them looking like small grains of sand, as the algae vary in size and density. The color emitted from disturbed algae varies from white to green to blue. And it is also seen differently from person to person. When they are in large concentrations or patches, the light can be so bright it temporarily stuns your night vision.

The algae need a certain temperatures and biological conditions to thrive. Although the algae are widespread, there are certain areas that have better conditions, and therefore higher concentrations of the algae.

The algae can only give off a single flash of light each. Small currents with organic material tend to bunch up the algae for some spectacularly bright underwater fireworks.


The darker the night the brighter the bioluminescence

The algae are a natural part on the ecosystem, however the algae, due to certain oceanographic conditions, can multiply exponentially resulting in red tides and excellent bioluminescence.

In our area, the temperature does not vary much thus keeping the algae happy and thriving. Tides and currents, however play their part in concentrating the algae in certain areas. You will get to experience this for yourself on our Bioluminescent kayak tour.

Cloudy or moonless nights give the best viewing experience. Try avoiding the week before the full moon to get the best bioluminescent experience possible. Although being easily accessible the Bioluminescent Bay does not have a lot of light pollution since it is surrounded by sparsely populated areas and islands.


The Bioluminescent Bay in the Gulf of Nicoya is a permanent occurrence!

Four categories of bioluminescent exist; none, occasional, seasonal and permanent. Permanent occurrence is the most sought after and rare of these categories.
It is rare because it can only be found in unique areas in a few countries in the world like; Puerto Rico, Thailand, Tasmania and to our delight Costa Rica.

Occasional bioluminescence means that once in a while it is possible to see it, but impossible to predict the next time it will occur. Seasonal means that bioluminescence occurs regularly for a certain period of the year and is usually predictable. Permanent means it can be seen any day of the year.


Bahia Rica – the Bioluminescent Bay right at our doorstep

Our location at the outer edge of the Gulf of Nicoya is ideal as the shore is dotted by small bays. The bioluminescence is widespread in this area and normally has a very good intensity rating. The bay is also protected from most wind and waves giving it a steady effect.

Because we are in a rural area, the light pollution is limited and there are very few boats on the water here at night. This makes our experience more private and increases the chances at seeing the bioluminescence in its purest form.


Bioluminescent tours with Bahia Rica

Playing with bioluminescent water is a very cool experience. You can see the fish zooming through the water as they leave a ‘lighted” trail in the water – your paddles and hands leave swirls and trails as well. Let our knowledgeable guides give you a memory for life time on one of our bioluminescent tours:

Bioluminescent Kayak Tour
The bioluminescent bay can be enjoyed from a sea kayak. You sit close to the water in the kayak, and the water glows when you touch it with your hands or the paddle. It looks like a million stars flying by when you look at the waves from your kayak. The tour requires no prior experience but it does help if you have sat in a kayak or canoe before.

Kayak Ocean Clean Up

We love Costa Rica and we love even more to show off the natural beauty of the country to everyone who comes to visit.

Unfortunately like everywhere else in the world we experience that there is an increasing amount of garbage in the ocean, most of which is in the form of plastic. We clean what we can on the beach and when were are out in the kayaks but we need help! So we decided to start a volunteer kayak ocean clean up project in our own back yard.

We have a fleet of sit on top kayaks which are perfect for cruising around and scooping out garbage and plastic from the ocean. As a volunteer you have the free use of one of our single or double sit on top kayaks to cruise around the bay and islands picking up floating garbage/plastic. After returning to Bahia Rica the garbage must be separated into what is recyclable and what is not. Your “catch” will be weighed and a prize will be given out each month to largest catch. Also all participants of our Kayak Ocean Clean Up initiative will be offered our bioluminescent kayak tour or sunset tour for only $25 pp availability pending.


Together, we paddle for the oceans | Join the Kayak Ocean Clean Up

We offer you as Kayak Ocean Clean Up volunteers free use of our kayaks, in return for the collecting waste from the water and sharing this experience on social media with #bahiarica #oceancleanup #volunteer

Kayak Ocean Clean Up volunteers get:
– Free use of our kayaks for up to two hours
– All necessary equipment for collecting waste
– Discount on other tours

Requirements for Kayak Ocean Clean Up volunteers:
– Basic kayaking experience and swimming skills
– At least 1 person in the group must be at least 18 years old
– You must agree to share your experience on social media with our hashtags
– The kayaks must be returned within the agreed upon time limit
– Bring back the trash to Bahia Rica to separate, weigh and register your catch
– The recyclable waste must be separated

Book your Ocean Clean Up Kayak:


Easter update covid-19

Dear travelers and friends of Bahia Rica.

Our business is closed during Easter in accordance to ordinance by the Health Department of Costa Rica.

We will reopen as soon as possible, however a temporary world crisis does not mean that we stand still!

We are using this period to fine-tune our place, surroundings and tours so that we can serve our guests even better soon!

Dream away in your thoughts, to our small but delightful paradise and be inspired by our great offers on here on our website

See you at Bahia Rica.

Covid-19 update

Dear friends,

Our business will continue to operate in accordance to ordinance by the Health Department of Costa Rica.

This means:

We will keep same hours and operate all our tours, but we are operating at 50% capacity.

We are requesting that you spray your hands with the sanitizer we are providing. And as always, wash your hands when visiting our restrooms.

Be obedient, don’t panic, enjoy the natural beauty of Costa Rica and stay healthy!!! (particularly mentally healthy in these days!).

See you at Bahia Rica.




New Years Bioluminescence tour

Natural fireworks for New Years 2020!

Join us on our special midnight bioluminescent kayak tour for New Years!

We will embark on a 2-hour midnight bioluminescent tour to enjoy this natural phenomenon. Kayak between islands looking at the bioluminescence below, the stars above and then the fireworks from all around.

We have great view of the mountains and if it is clear we can see all the way to Monteverde.


Practical details:
– Departure from: The beach at Bahia Rica Fishing & Kayak Lodge
– Departure time: 23:00
– Duration: Approximately 2 hours
– Kayaking experience: Beginner level
– Age limit: 13 years
– Weight Limit: 250 Pounds / 115 kg (please contact us if you have concerns)
– Capacity: Minimum 6 and maximum 12 persons
Please do not consume alcohol before the kayak tour

Sea kayak rental and safety equipment
– Multi-lingual guide
– Coffee, juice, biscuits, and some surprises

What to bring:
– Flash light
– Sandals or water shoes
– Light clothes that can get wet

$45 per person (minimum 6 persons)

Kayak camping tour – available spaces!

We have available space on a three-day kayak tour in January 2020.

Join some others on a mixed group tour.

Dates available: 3rd, 4th and 5th of January 2020

We start in the morning on the 3rd, kayak for full day. We’ll put up our hammock camp at a beach nearby. We’ll go out on a little sunset kayak and full moon tour. If we are lucky it will be a good algae bloom, so that we can get a glimpse of the bioluminescence despite the strong light from the moon.

On day two and three we’ll explore the coast in the calm gulf of Nicoya. We’ll visit a small mangrove forest, bird islands and much more.

If you are interested in joining on this tour, just let us know. Read more about our overnight trips here:

We’re a Top Responsible Costa Rica Eco Tour 2019!

We’re more than just a tour company. We care about the wildlife and habitats we showcase, the local communities we visit and the opportunities for education through exploration. That’s why we’re excited to announce that we’ve made it onto the Top Responsible Costa Rica Eco Tour 2019 list with our Bioluminescent kayak tour!

Curated by Terra Incognita – a social enterprise seeking to promote the best examples of ethical ecotourism worldwide – we’re part of a group of nearly 40 incredible tours across Costa Rica working to conserve the environment, support the well-being of local people and educate visitors and hosts.

“Costa Rica is often the first place that comes to mind when we hear the word ‘ecotourism’, yet it can still be challenging for visitors to choose a responsible tour”, said Kristi Foster of Terra Incognita.

The list includes a transparent explanation of how all tours contribute to conservation, local communities and education, and is open to reviews from guests who’ve participated in the tours.

Tour operators on the list are doing everything from cleaning up beaches and donating to community projects, to offsetting their carbon emissions and encouraging their guests to do the same. Some are actively contributing to conservation research, while others are empowering local conservation ambassadors through environmental education and capacity building.

“With every new tour we discover, we’re amazed to see what operators are doing to have a positive impact on the planet through tourism,” said Dr Nick Askew of Terra Incognita. “Eventually we hope to showcase ethical tour experiences in every country worldwide.”

“Even though ecotourism is fairly well established in Costa Rica, there’s still so much to discover”, said Kristi. There are many small, local and family-run ecotourism companies offering once-in-a-lifetime experiences while supporting the country’s natural and cultural heritage”.

Experiences highlighted range from kayaking in bioluminescent waters off Costa Rica’s Nicoya Peninsula, to observing dolphins on the Osa Peninsula, to exploring Costa Rica’s Corcovado National Park in search of the Critically Endangered tapir, sloths, monkeys, crocodiles, caimans and more.

With 40 tours across the country you can find a once-in-a-lifetime ethical experience that suits your interests, budget and adventure level.

You can view the Responsible Costa Rica Eco Tour 2019 list at and join a movement to create positive change for people and planet through travel.

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